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Our website address is We have a lot coming, so hold your horses and hang on to the Holy Ghost, lol. Below you’ll find who are and what you can expect from Viral for God. Additionally, you can download the FREE devotional, prayer, and fasting guides below.

Who we are

Viral for God is a movement designed to inspire women to live boldly for Christ in every area of life—whether in your home, career, or personal calling. We’re passionate about helping women reconnect with their true identity in God and embrace the divine purpose He has set before them. Our mission is to equip you with the tools, resources, and encouragement you need to thrive in faith, womanhood, and beyond. LEARN MORE.

What to Expect

Bible Studies: Expect powerful, in-depth Bible studies that go beyond the surface. Whether you’re seeking clarity in your business, balancing motherhood and purpose, or finding peace in your daily walk with God, our studies are crafted to empower you in every aspect of your life. Each study offers wisdom, biblical insights, and practical tools for navigating your unique journey as a woman of faith.

We are standing in our declaration of victory—it’s time to reclaim what’s rightfully yours. We are taking back our lives, our virtue, our kids, our husbands, and our homes. Through faith, prayer, and unwavering commitment to God’s word, the FREE Devotional & Bible studies empower you to stand firm, break free from the chains of distraction, and restore everything the enemy has tried to steal. Together, we’re taking it all back and walking boldly in the purpose God has designed for us!

Listen on the Go

Take the Word With You: We understand that life is busy, so we’re creating lessons in audio form to offer a convenient, on-the-go experience. Now, you can deepen your relationship with God while managing your daily routine, with teachings that bring clarity to your purpose, help you grow spiritually, and keep you motivated as you live for God.

Shopping Center

Discover the Viral for God shopping center, where you’ll find “God-inspired trends” designed to uplift and inspire. From apparel that boldly declares your faith to beautiful wall art for your home, we’re offering products that remind you of your identity in Christ. Every piece is created with a focus on faith, purpose, and inspiration.

Resource Center

Our resource center is packed with digital downloads, biblical mind maps, and practical guides that support you in your spiritual journey. Whether you need help with prayer, understanding scripture, or planning out your goals in alignment with God’s will, these resources are here to guide and strengthen you.

So Much More

There’s even more in store! We’re mapping things out in the exact order God gave them to us, and we’re uploading content as quickly as we can. Keep checking back for more resources, encouragement, and products designed to support your walk with God.

Subscribe for Free Resources

Be sure to subscribe and claim your free copy of the Viral for God Devotional and Prayer & Fasting Guide! You’ll also receive updates on new content, encouragement, and biblical insights as more is added to the site. We’re excited to journey with you and can’t wait to see what God will do in your life.

Blessings, Teresa Cole, Steward of Viral for God.

Viral for God is more than just a devotional or a ministry—it is a sisterhood of women committed to returning to God to fulfill the divine purpose He has set for each of us on this earth. In a world where women chase viral moments through beauty, status, or social media fame, our movement encourages going viral for God. We guide women in reclaiming their lives, destinies, families, and virtues by becoming women of God who obey His Word.


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